Due Diligence

Due diligencePrior to the acquisition of shares and stock or enterprises as commissioned by legal entities or private individuals, we compile a due diligence analysis procedure for financial and tax areas.

Scope of Due Diligence Procedure:

  • Review and analysis of specific items contained in the Profit & Loss Account in subsequent periods.
  • Analysis of sales revenues and operating expenditure (by type of operations, direct and indirect costs, depending on data available.)
  • Analysis of other operating and financial revenues and expenditures.
  • Analysis of key working capital items (liabilities, receivables, stock) with special consideration of the realistic aspect of receivables disclosed as well as usefulness of existing stock in operations.
  • Analysis of existing fixed assets. Financial analysis of the Company.
  • Conducting interviews with the management and Company representatives in relation to documentation and information submitted.
  • Analysis of adequacy of tax settlements, in particular as follows:
    – Materials from tax audits if applicable.
    – Analysis of interpretations from tax authorities if applicable.
    – Analysis of adequacy of settlements on corporate income tax with particular attention to non-deductable costs. 
    – Analysis of transactions conducted with related entities. 
    – Adequacy of tax settlements.


Studentom (IV i V roku) studiów ekonomicznych (preferowane kierunki związane z rachunkowością) oferujemy płatną 1-miesięczną praktykę w biurze rachunkowym.
Kontakt: rekrutacja@auditor.sopot.pl

Biuro rachunkowe

Zapraszamy również do współpracy osoby mające doświadczenie w pracy w charakterze asystentów biegłych rewidentów.
Kontakt: rekrutacja@auditor.sopot.pl